Dallas Masonic Lodge No. 182 F&AM 116 Main Street, Dallas, GA, 30132
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 620, Dallas, GA 30132
“I don´t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.”– Bro. Will Rogers, Humorist, Claremore Lodge No. 53 A.F.& A.M, Oklahoma, USA, (renamed Will Rogers Lodge No. 53 in 1979)
WB Greg Brown Presents 65 year old plaque to Dallas Lodge
On January 20th Dallas Lodge No. 182 hosted a meeting of the Sub-District (7-E) Officers Association. A good meal was enjoyed by the Brethren, after which they assembled upstairs where WB Matt Gurley DDGM led an informative and encouraging meeting.
Over 30 brethren were in attendance. Caledonia Lodge No. 121 will host the next meeting on May 18th 2020.
Videos courtesy Mrs. Susan Gurley
Dallas Brethren Visit Masonic Home Nov. 2018, Children Enjoy Cookout
On a chilly November morning, four members of Dallas Lodge #182 and their wives, along with a Brother and his wife from Illinois, travelled to Macon Ga to have their 3rd annual cookout for the children at the Masonic Children’s Home. A pit stop was made in route at Battle Hill Lodge #523, to eat breakfast at their Lodge fundraiser. Masonic fellowship was enjoyed over a hearty breakfast. Upon arrival at the Home, they started setting up the equipment to cook out. The kids started stirring out the their rooms and quickly demonstrated how to make two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts disappear in record time. The cooking began and in no time lunch was ready to be served. After prayer was offered up by one the the kids, everyone loaded up on chicken wings, corn on the cob, curly fries, fruit, cookies and cupcakes. Many of the kids returned for second and third helpings. Root Beer seemed to be the favorite flavor of soft drinks provided. Lots of thank you’s and hugs were given by the kids to show their appreciation for the fine meal. Plenty of leftovers and cookies went with the kids back to their halls. Everyone went to the steps out front to have a photograph made to commemorate the wonderful day. After lunch, a tour was given of the first cottage occupied by the junior girls. A more beautiful building could not have been built for these kids and it showed in the smiles of the girls as they showed off their rooms. Hanging out and talking with the kids capped a wonderful day, proving that these kids truly enjoy a small investment of time and an attentive ear. As everyone left, the girls introduced them to the stray cat that they rescued, who they aptly named Mason. Leaving was a sad moment but mixed with joy for such a wonderful day. Everyone felt sorry for the lodge members who missed the opportunity to share in such a blessing. Hopefully next year, will provide another fun day for everyone.
Dallas Lodge welcomed, on the far left, Fellowcraft Brother Avwerosuoghene Sanford Erih from Lodge Saint Andrew No 7 Sapele, on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Nigeria, and center, his cousin Brother Tuedor Akpevwe Jackson, (Brother TAJ), Senior Warden of Lodge Itebite 1619 S.C. on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Benin city Edo state
WB Wil Rakestraw presented his Officers for 2017 beautiful jackets