Dallas Masonic Lodge No. 182 F&AM
116 Main Street, Dallas, GA, 30132
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 620, Dallas, GA 30132

“Reason is God's crowning gift to man”– Sophocles



Texas Mason Slain By Anti-Masonic Shooter

Brother Robert Wise, 55, killed Monday after officer's installation

by Christopher Hodapp

UPDATE July 14, 2023, 3:OOAM:

Police in McAllen, Texas have arrested a man in connection with the Monday night shooting death of Brother Robert Wise outside of the Masonic hall of McAllen Lodge No. 1110. Julio Diaz, 35, is now in police custody after being arrested Tuesday for murder.
Julio Diaz, 35, arrested for murder
According to a press release from the local police department, officers responded to a call from a witness at 9:46PM Monday night from outside the lodge, who reported hearing "a loud pop, then someone moaning in pain." When police arrived, they found Brother Wise on the ground, wounded by gunfire. Emergency Medical Services immediately rushed him to a local hospital, where he later died.
While it has not yet been reported in the press, Robert was leaving McAllen Lodge following their officers' installation Monday night when he was shot. Witnesses spotted and identified the shooter as Julio Diaz, who immediately fled the scene.
According to several sources, Diaz had apparently recorded and uploaded a video of his crime online. It has since been removed.
When he was arrested and questioned this morning, sources familiar with the investigation told me that Diaz believes Masons are "devil worshiping Illuminatists." A Facebook commenter said Diaz had previously posted anti-Masonic comments on social media, claiming the lodge "had put a curse on him."

This afternoon, Robert's daughter Erica has started a $5,000 GoFundMe appeal to cover his funeral expenses. CLICK HERE to donate. I will add funeral arrangements to this story as soon as I know them.

Attacks Against Masons Increasing
by Christopher Hodapp
July, 2023

In the last couple of years, there appears to have been an alarming increase in the number of attacks against Masonic buildings, and Freemasons themselves. Just two weeks ago, a Mason in McAllen, Texas was shot and killed outside of the local lodge by a man who believed the Masons had "put a curse on him." Recent arson fires and other serious vandalism have damaged or destroyed Masonic halls in Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Connecticut, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Vancouver in British Columbia, and elsewhere.

The Vancouver arsonist set fire to three Masonic halls in that city in a single morning, causing CA$2.5 million in damages, and was sentenced to 40 months in prison. His attorney claimed he "struggled with mental health issues and just wanted to draw attention to what he described as dark souls and CSIS tracking devices."

Overseas, Masonic halls in Ireland and Greece have also been recently attacked by anti-Masons. In addition, there seems to have been a major increase in anti-Masonic social media posts and videos (comments were shut down on the El Paso Scottish Rite Facebook story early today after a disturbing number of posts were made in support of the attack). In the wake of these rising reports of incidents, the Grand Master of Washington (state) issued a letter last week warning members in his jurisdiction about a man who has issued numerous hate-filled, anti-Masonic threats about the fraternity.


Deputies: Man, 22, who set fire to Masonic lodge decided using explosives was ‘too dangerous’

Raphael Pires,Sarah Wilson
Updated Mon, June 26, 2023 at 5:55 PM EDT·1 min read\
A man who admitted to setting a fire at a Masonic lodge in Leesburg said he considered using explosives
to blow it up, according to newly released documents.

Luke Pratt, 22, is facing arson charges related to the fire, and a charge of manufacturing an explosive
device with intent to harm.

Investigators said they found five powerful, homemade explosive devices in Pratt’s home that he
planned to use, but decided to do so was “too dangerous.”

Investigators said the reason he started the fire was because he was
mad at what the lodge stood for and he said they
were following him.

He was caught on surveillance video bringing a gas can to the lodge when the fire started, investigators said.

“Unfortunately, the building is totally destroyed,” said Masonic lodge member Larry Duff. “A lot of history that
was in this building, not only the lodge but the city and Lake County and it’s all gone.”

(aerial view)

Deputies said Pratt’s mother contacted them after she found the explosive devices. They said Pratt admitted to his mother that he set the fire, and then admitted the same to deputies later on.

“The detectives say he showed absolutely no remorse whatsoever and I believe he even stated he would do it again if he had the chance,” said Lt. John Herrell, with the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.


By WFSB Staff Connecticut
Published: Jan. 8, 2023 at 2:37 PM EST Updated: 6 hours ago

ELLINGTON, CT (WFSB) - A Masonic lodge in Ellington that was vandalized last month is the subject of recently opened arson investigation.
A fire broke out at the Fayette Lodge shortly after 9:40 a.m. on Saturday.
The fire was quickly extinguished by the Ellington Fire Department.

State police said the cause of this fire was arson and were looking to identify an individual spotted in surveillance images.

IT KEEPS HAPPENING...be vigilant, Brethren


by: Jason Marks
Posted: Jul 8, 2021 / 04:04 PM EDT / Updated: Jul 9, 2021 / 07:43 PM EDT
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – Virginia Beach police are investigating a couple of break-ins at Masonic lodges in the city.
At the Kempsville Masonic Temple on Princess Anne Road, the history dates back hundreds of years.
“I like to say we aren’t a secret society, but a society of secrets,” said lodge member Mike Denning.
But on Friday night, there was an event they wish they could rewrite.
“I noticed glass breakage and glass all at the entrance area of both doors,” added member Bob Stanek.
Stanek discovered the break-in first thing Saturday morning.
“It’s heartbreaking,” Stanek said.
The thieves randomly vandalized some of the property and stole items that mean a lot to the masons. That included two ceremonial swords.
“There are a lot of things here that are more sentimental value then monetary value to us, so it is extremely disappointing,” Denning added.
The heist included several Masonic jewelry collars and hundred-year-old tapestries.
“Anybody who commits a crime we want to see them caught,” Stanek said.
“The similarities to Princess Anne lodge that happened earlier in the year are eerie I suppose,” Denning added.
Thieves did the same thing at the Princess Anne Masonic Lodge in February. They knocked out the flood lights, broke in and stole a sword.
“They came we think potentially for the swords and while they were here just destroyed other things,” Denning said. “We don’t want to see this happen to anybody else.”

Friday, June 05, 2020
Arson Destroys Oklahoma Masonic Hall
by Christopher Hodapp

The Masonic temple of Wright Lodge No. 483 in Wright City, Oklahoma was destroyed Thursday night by fire.

According to a message from the Grand Secretary of Oklahoma, Bobby L. Laws, PGM, a "fire source" was thrown through the front window of the building. The arson attack reportedly happened at about midnight. The message states that the area Fire Marshall is looking into the incident. Photos of the damage have been circulated on Facebook today.

Wright Lodge 483 is chartered by the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Oklahoma.

Be sure your lodge's security system, fire alarm, surveillance cameras are up to date and in working order. And invest in a fire safe for your most irreplaceable records. An extremely disturbing graphic image appeared earlier this week on the QAnon far-right conspiracy message boards and circulated on Reddit and elsewhere. It shows the fronts of several Masonic halls with squares and compasses, with the message, "You're burning down the wrong buildings." It is likely that anarchists, home-grown terrorists, vehement anti-Masons, bored teenagers and other bad actors may be motivated to act on their baser instincts as protests, riots and violence around the country get nonstop media coverage.

As reported earlier this week, a bomb was placed outside of a Masonic lodge in Cornwall, England. As Freemasons, we need to stay aware and vigilant that there are still plenty of people in the world who would do us harm.

The tiny town of Wright City with about 700 residents is located in the southeastern tip of Oklahoma, near the borders with Texas and Arkansas. It is about 60 miles northwest of Texarkana. As Grand Secretary Law says in his message, "If it can happen there it could also happen elsewhere."

Friday, 5:50PM, June 5, 2020:

Brother James Durbin in Tulsa, Oklahoma has started a Facebook online fundraiser to benefit Wright Lodge. Visit it HERE.

Thursday, May 14, 2020
Fire Destroys Hejaz Shrine in South Carolina
by Christopher Hodapp

A devastating fire on Tuesday morning has destroyed the Hejaz Shrine Temple in Mauldin, South Carolina, near Greenville. According to multiple news reports, the entire facility that included the Shrine and the Legacy Pines Golf Club clubhouse is a total loss. The golf club leased its facility from the Shrine.

Investigators say the fire started just after midnight near the kitchen in the rear of the building. Fortunately, no one was in the building at the time, and no firefighters were injured battling the blaze. No word yet on cause.

Hejaz Shrine is extremely popular and home to about 4,000 Shriners. Their temple sits in the middle of the Legacy Pines golf course and boasted a 250-seat capacity banquet hall and Old English style pub.The Hejaz Shrine is a popular local venue for banquets and is well known in the community. The present Temple and golf clubhouse were built in 1984.

Hejaz Shrine has been celebrating its 100th anniversary during this insane COVID shutdown year, which postponed or canceled so many activities.Doubly heartbreaking, aside from the loss of their facility, is the incalculable loss of artifacts inside from Hejaz' full century of life that are now destroyed. This is a helluva way to mark the passing of such an auspicious anniversary.

Deepest condolences to Potentate Wayne Bragg and all of the fellow Nobles of Hejaz Shrine, with the hope that they will rise again soon from the ashes.

All Masons are not Shriners, but all Shriners are Masons. Shriners International is an appendant organization of American Freemasonry. To become a Shriner, a man must join a Masonic lodge first. Some 200 local Shrine Temples and their members support the network of 22 Shriners' pediatric burn and orthopedic hospitals in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Croatia Govt Accepts Resignation of Freemason State Attorney

By The Associated Press
Feb. 20, 2020

ZAGREB, Croatia — Croatia's government on Thursday accepted the resignation of the country's chief state attorney after he was forced to step down for being a Freemason.

The government said it would ask lawmakers to confirm the resignation of State's Attorney Drzen Jelenic, who came under fire after he acknowledged his membership in a Masonic lodge.

Jelenic initially refused to resign, saying that being a member of the fraternal organization did not affect his independence. However, the prime minister and other Croatian officials insisted he leave his post as the country's top prosecutor.

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at a Cabinet meeting Thursday that membership in an organization or order like a Masonic lodge could undermine public trust in "the integrity of people running the highest institutions."

“I would like to stress that this does not mean the state attorney has acted against the law or did not perform his duty objectively and independently," Plenkovic said. “This duty does not leave any room for doubt in independence or objectivity.”

Jelenic became state's attorney in 2018. Plenkovic said the government had no prior knowledge of his Masonry affiliation.


As reported last month, a fire broke out on July 8th in the East of Beech Grove Lodge No. 694 on Indianapolis' south side. The blaze and subsequent damage destroyed the lodge room and its furnishings. The rest of the 1943 building sustained extensive damage as well.

Beech Grove Lodge became an important part of Masonic history in 1948 when Freemason, Missouri Past Grand Master and President Harry S Truman famously snuck away from the press during a campaign stopover in Indianapolis to attend a Master Mason degree. Donald Bauermeister, a young sailor from Indiana who was his physical therapist on board the Presidential Yacht back in Washington, was being raised that evening, and Truman suddenly informed his staff that he intended to be there, sending the Presidential party and Secret Service detail into an organizational tailspin.

Sadly, the brethren of Beech Grove Lodge have reported that the three-seated Worshipful Master's station chair that President Harry S Truman occupied during his "secret" trip to the lodge in 1948 was damaged far beyond repair in last month's tragic fire. They will explore the possibility that a small memento can be made of the surviving pieces.

The 2nd floor has been gutted and demolition has begun on the main floor. A decision will soon be made on how many, if not all, of the joists for the roof will need to be replaced. The stone and block exterior of the temple survived the fire and will be retained in the rebuilding efforts.

Most of the paper records of the lodge survived the fire, but were heavily smoke damaged and waterlogged. However, the Masonic ring given to Don Bauermeister by his parents and handed to him by Harry Truman himself, along with his Masonic Bible signed by the President are still safely on display at the Masonic Library and Museum of Indiana, located in the Indianapolis Masonic Temple.


Members of the 7th District Masonic Convention provided $38,000 in scholarships to students in recent weeks, including several from the Polk School District, during a ceremony at the PCCCA HON Community room.
Marietta Daily Journal


Prince Hall “Recognition” 189th Annual Grand Communication of The Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Florida
At the 189th Annual Grand Communication of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Florida, the Craft voted overwhelmingly to “empower our Grand Master to sign an acceptable agreement extending “Recognition” to the Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons, Florida, Belize, Central America & Jurisdiction, Incorporated, Prince Hall Affiliated”.
An exert [sic] of the REPORT OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS 2017-2018 reads:
To the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Florida
On April 18, 2018, M∴W∴ A.T. Stafford, PGM of Prince Hall reported that at their Grand Lodge session: “The Committee report was presented and well received. The Committee presented 3 wording samples of the recognition agreement; however, a decision on the one to be used was not reached. A vote on which agreement will be used will take place in 90 days at our mid-year meeting. The entire Craft was pleased the dialogue that has taken place, and all are looking forward to the agreement being finalized”
The Prince Hall mid-year meeting will take place in July.
Fraternal “Recognition” has not been extend, it is close, both Grand Masters, Grand Line Officers and Foreign Relations Committees are earnestly and diligently working to finalize extending “Recognition”.
Once a “Recognition Agreement” is finalized, notification will be distributed.

Once this proposal is finalized by both bodies, probably this summer, that will leave only 7 jurisdictions in the U.S. and Canada where mutual recognition does not exist: Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, South Carolina, and West Virginia.


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