Dallas Masonic Lodge No. 182 F&AM
116 Main Street, Dallas, GA, 30132
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 620, Dallas, GA 30132

'No one is free whose mind is not like a door with a double-hinge swinging outward to release their own ideas, and inward to receive the worthy thoughts of others.'



Dear Brothers,

It is an honor for me to be serving as Secretary of Dallas Lodge No. 182. If I can assist you in anything concerning Lodge business or information, please contact me, my cell phone # is 678-988-2849.
Also Brethren, it is very important to pay dues on time. This helps pay our bills and keeps the Lodge up and going with things that have to be repaired.
Thank you Brethren for being great supporters of the Lodge.

N. DuWayne Prather

Webmaster: Phil Pearce

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